Visit of primary school students in Slavia
- 22. April, 2022
- Ondrej Zošiak
- Education
With the ever-growing automotive industry in Slovakia and the declining number of graduates from vocational and technical schools, support and education in this field is becoming a necessity.
One of the goals at Slavia Production Systems is to popularize automation in engineering to our young generation. In this direction, we cooperate not only with universities and secondary vocational schools, but we actively work with primary school students.
Therefore, in cooperation with Mrs. Anna Bažíková representing the department of regional career centres for networking companies and schools in county of Banská Bystrica and members of the teaching staff, we organized an visit for the 8th grade students from primary school directly at the headquarters of the company.
At the beginning of the excursion, General manager Mr. František Kudláček in a short presentation introduced the company Slavia Production Systems. In the presentation, the pupils could see a short history of the origin of engineering in Podpoľanie, major changes after the entry of the investor Chropynska Group in 2012 and also important projects in which Slavia as a company was involved. The studenst were most interested in projects outside Slovakia, including a project for the National Space Agency in the USA, also known as NASA.
Better seen once than heard a hundred times
In the production hall, the students had the opportunity to see real jigs that are produced for our customers, they saw the work of a CNC milling centre operator and also a robot for automated welding and its use, which was presented to them by one of our roboticists.
After a tour of the production part of the company, they were guided through a part of the design department, where they could watch our fellow designers programming and working on projects in Catia. The students themselves also tried programming and working with a lego model of a robot, a real version of which was presented to them in the factory. The robot uses the same operating system as the real version, so it serves as an excellent learning tool for young roboticists.
The students’ reactions inspired us to develop further cooperation and to bring technical fields closer to the younger generation. We hope that we will continue to meet some of them during our visits to vocational secondary schools, or directly at our internship or dual education programme.
We would also like to thank the General manager Mr.Kudláček and our colleagues from production and construction for their cooperation.